Hubby's home!!!
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Thank god! I got alot done while he was gone but, I hate being alone and he's my best friend so it was hard not to see him everyday. I'm pretty sure we've been together every single day since we started seeing each other, even before we were dating, just hanging out, being friends we saw each other everyday! The only time we're apart is for stupid business trips! Yuck!
So he got in very late last night, and was very pissed off. Apparently the airport was a real PITA and no one would help them. I hate Philly airport! Every time either one of use have been there, there have always been problems! When we went to Florida they lost Scott's luggage, poor kid was in tears! I tryed to convince him that this was good for him because now we would have to buy him all new clothes...I must have forgotten that he's a 10 year old BOY! Because this just made it worse! He HATES shopping, especially for clothes. LOL.
So it looks as though we won't be finishing the house for quite awhile yet. All the painting is done(with the exception of a little touch up on some ceiling spots that I messed up) but now we need to do the molding and I need Ian's help and truck to do this. Problem is....he's working late today and tomorrow and Saturday he works too and I will have Xander, then Sunday, we're going to NY for Cole's b-day party(he'll hit the big 4 this year! Too cute). So after Sunday we're on vacation and depending on when we leave for Oregon, we won't have any days together at home. When we get home, we want to go up to camp to spend some time with Mike, Mary and the kids. So my estimate is....maybe by Christmas! Oh, and when we get back from vacation, I have to go to Cape Cod for 3-4days on business! Yuck!
Kari daydreamed @ 5:40 AM
What's a girl to do...
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
when she has 2 cat hating beagles and 2 outdoor, roam around your yard, teasing your dogs everyday, don't want to go home cats next door? I swear these cats know how to get to my dogs. They tease them!
Here's the senario: We have an acre of land, as do the neighbors. We have a deck off the back of our house and a fenced in yard for the dogs. Outside the fence there is still quite a bit of land including, Scott's tree house, tire swing, hamock, and Scott's ATV trails. Well...the cats (and the deer) have figured out that the dogs cannot get out of the fenced in area. So they insist on laying on our property right on the other side of the fence so that the dogs are going ape shit all day long! It's driving me crazy! I really don't think that these cats are ever inside. They torment the dogs all day and night. If the dogs are not outside then the cats will make just enough noise to wake them from a dead sleep to go barreling out the doggie door with horrible welps and crys and howling.
Now it's not like I can say anything to the neighbor. They've been here for like 25 years or something, we've been here for 3 and Bruno is 2, so it's been a year and a half of madness but lately it's gotten much worse.(Ever since the cats figured out that the dogs can't get to them.)
I hate the fact that I'm pretty sure our neighbors must hate our dogs, I mean who loves to hear a howling, yelping beagle at 2 am? Not me. But it's not our fault and there's nothing we can do. I've thought of trying to just let them out when the cat's not out there but they are always there! At least one of them.
Agggghhh. what's a beagle lovin' girl to do?
Kari daydreamed @ 7:24 AM
Monday, August 15, 2005
I've been tagged with the top 10 favorite songs by Sara. This is really hard for me because I pretty much like everything and I'm the most undecisive person on the planet, so I'll just list some of the songs that I love or that have a special meaning to me...
1) Making memories of us- Kieth Urban
2)Don't take the girl-Tim McGraw
3)The Little Gril- John Michael Montgomery
4)From this Moment- The duet one with Shania Twain and Brian White
5)Don't want to miss a thing- Areosmith
6)Trveling Soldier-Dixie Chicks
7)Just the two of Us- Will Smith
8)Where are you going- Dave Matthews Band
9)Twisted-Keith Sweat
10)Amazed-Lone Star
There is so much more but it would take me years to write them all! I love Jewel, DMB, Any thing country, The Fugees, Jessica Simpson, even Britney's old stuff, I really do just like anything. I especially love songs with a story behind them which is probably why country music is my favorite.
Thanks Guys! I tag
Michele, even though I'm sure she won't have time to do this, and anyone else who hasn't done it yet, I think we've all done this one by now so...enjoy!
Kari daydreamed @ 10:20 PM