Go GO Go
Friday, September 22, 2006
Ahh a time to break. Sorry I missed You Tubesday :( I had taken videos and everything.
I work 10 hour days now, and it takes an hour and a half to get to work right now so that makes for a 13 hour day. Throw in 7 pooping puppies and there is just no time to blog.
I think it's funny that everyone always says, "isn't sad to get rid of them all?" "Are you going to keep one?"
And I say, "HELL NO!" People don't seem to understand how much work cleaning up after 7 dogs is. Not to mention we still have our 2. So that's 9 dogs! It isn't like the puppies can go outside like Bruno and Patches do, so all that poop has to go somewhere, and that somewhere has to be cleaned and disinfected everytime.
Work is going ok. I still hate the idea of still being in retail, but the $$ is good so I'll suck it up as long as I can. I have to give it at least a month. I think the part that will kill me the most is not having my weekends with Scott. I will work it out so that I get everyother Saturday off, but usually I have to work late the night before and then early the morning after. I don't know that seeing him only 2 days out of the month will cut it. Not to mention that I will no longer see my husband. With both of us in retail and working 50+ hours, we have to arrange to work opposite days on the weekends that we have Scott and all the other days I'm leaving at 5:30am and not getting home until after 7pm. by the time we eat, get the puppies fed and back to bed we're both exhausted and falling asleep on the couch.
Maybe I'll get used to it and we'll find a way to make it work. One can only hope.
Kari daydreamed @ 7:58 AM
It's here...
Sunday, September 17, 2006
The day I've been dreading for the last 2 months. Tomorrow I'm back to work. :P YUCK!
Back to a job that I know I will hate, a job that I only took because the $$ was right. I hope to make it work, mostly because it will be nice to have two incomes again. Wish me luck.
YYYYYYYYYYYYYYThe CT house has SOLD!!!! FINALLY! The closing was on Friday, so our lawyer is supposed to mail everything out to us tomorrow morning. Thank God! We did it. It actually worked out perfect for us because our first mortgage payment for the NY house is Oct. So we didn't have to be stuck with two mortgages in one month, I can finally breathe a sigh of financial relief.
YYYYYYYYYYYYYYThe puppies are getting BIG! Too Big. I liked it better when they were smaller and didn't poop as much, lol. They are completely weaned and are even past the soft food. They now eat the real deal, hard puppy food, it strengthens their teeth, which is good I guess, but let me tell you it doesn't feel good on your feet when they decide to use you as a chew toy. I'm going to try and post a video of them for
Stacie's new "You Tubesday."
YYYYYYYYYYYYYYQuestion for my fellow bloggers...
Lately, Ian has been going around handing out my blog address like it's sample day at the grocery store. It's mostly for people to view the puppies, but still. I have to admit I feel somewhat violated. How would you guys feel?
I told him that this was my personal thing about me, and our family and such I didn't want the whole world reading it. He says that's total BS because I post it all on the internet and anyone can find it. While he's right...I guess I just can't help the feeling. We all know that there are lurkers out there reading our sites everyday and we don't know it, hell I'm a lurker too, but the thought of someone we know reading it and me not knowing that they're reading it...just makes me feel weird. I told him I was going to move the blog, he says I'm crazy. Not sure what I'll do yet.
I guess I'm just looking for your opinions....
Well, that's all my random thoughts for tonight. I promise
Stacie I will try to do the Tuesday video. Promise.
YYYYYYYYYYYYOH YEAH! One more thing. Our
long lost blogger is finally back!
Mary has started posting again, YAY!
Now we must work on
Josh and Michele, and
Evelyn..Helllllllooooo are you out there?
Kari daydreamed @ 9:04 PM